
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,

I have a series of blocks with geometry on various different layers in a rhino file and I would like to select only geometry from within the blocks that is only on a certain layer. I've tried using the pipeline component but it looks like it ignores blocks.

So I started to write a vb node that is able to select the geometry that I want but it places it at the origin rather then in space where it is actually located in the rhino file. I've pasted the code below. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Dim LayTab As Rhino.DocObjects.Tables.LayerTable = rhinodocument.Layers

Dim blocks As rhino.DocObjects.Tables.InstanceDefinitionTable = rhinodocument.InstanceDefinitions

For i As Integer = 0 To blocks.Count - 1

     Dim block As Rhino.DocObjects.InstanceDefinition = blocks.item(i) 'get a single block
     Dim obj() As RhinoObject = block.GetObjects 'get the objects in the block

     For j As Integer = 0 To block.ObjectCount - 1
          Dim layIndex As Integer = obj(j).Attributes.LayerIndex 'get the layer index
          Dim lay As rhino.DocObjects.Layer = laytab.item(layindex) 'get the layer

          If obj(j).GetType.tostring = "Rhino.DocObjects.BrepObject" Then
               Dim rep As Brep = obj(j).DuplicateGeometry

               If = "Resi_Balcony" Then 'put the breps into their appropiate list
               Else If lay.Name = "Resi_slab" Then
               End If

          End If




Views: 2549

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Charles

you"ll have to get both, all the block instances and the block definitions in your file,

you can then get the objects in each definition and transform them to where all the block instances are.
(you can filter stuff by layer somewhere on the fly)

following script work on a component with no inputs  
change "Layer_XY" to your layername  

best Steffen

Private Sub RunScript(ByRef A As Object)

Dim LayerIX As Integer = RhinoDocument.Layers.Find("Layer_XY", True)

Dim GeoOutput As New List(Of GeometryBase)

Dim BlockInstanceList As List(Of RhinoObject) = RhinoDocument.Objects.FindByObjectType(ObjectType.InstanceReference).ToList
Dim BlockDefinitionList As Tables.InstanceDefinitionTable = RhinoDocument.InstanceDefinitions

For i As Integer = 0 To BlockDefinitionList.Count - 1

Dim Blockobjects As List(Of RhinoObject) = BlockDefinitionList(i).GetObjects().ToList

For j As Integer = 0 To BlockInstanceList.Count - 1

Dim Block As InstanceObject
Block = BlockInstanceList(j)
Dim XForm As Transform = Block.InstanceXform

For k As Integer = 0 To Blockobjects.Count - 1

'checks for the right layer
If Blockobjects(k).Attributes.LayerIndex = LayerIX Then

Dim objX As GeometryBase = Blockobjects(k).DuplicateGeometry

End If




A = GeoOutput

End Sub

Thanks Steffen, with some minor edits it worked like a charm.







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