
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hello everybody, i try select all of inner corners and i have no idea how i can do this. Help me please! I sprained my brain now....

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Basic premise of this method is that the average point of the 3 that make up the corner will be outside the boundary if it is an inner corner. Might not work for all possibilities but from what I can tell it works pretty good.


If you then want to go on and fillet the curve at these locations then you can use a combination of [Curve CP] and [Fillet]*

* Make sure you get the correct fillet

Thank you. I know it works :) But i can't understanding what you doing with "list item" component? It's new for me.

What version are you using because this is the New one that allows you to zoom in and add extra outputs. To do it the old way you need three Items and Wrap set to true

Also Its not as straight forward as I first thought because the Fillet component outputs multiple curves with a single filleted corner that you then have to combine afterwards

And its realy didn't works for all possibilities :(

But it's simple! I am stupid in eavning. THANK YOU! 






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