
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi, I am trying to develop a component with c # .I need to do this :

1- create a first layer in rhino

2-Create a second layer in rhino

3- the output "A " baked in the first layer

4-the output "B " baked in the second layer

I don't know if it is possible to do this in my component and how ?

Note :  "Bake"  this is the function that exists when we do right click

thank you SAWSAN

Views: 972

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string ln1 = "layername1"; //the layername

int lay1 = RhinoDocument.Layer.Find(ln1, false);

if(lay1 < 0)

  lay1 = RhinoDocument.Layer.Add(ln1, Color.Black);

So now you have your you can add your geometry to rhino and set this layer as attribute to the object.

Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes att = new Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectAttributes();

att.LayerIndex = lay1;

RhinoDocument.Objects.AddCurve(somecrv, att);

This is how it works basically...question: why do you need this? there are several existing solutions that work pretty well. I've lastly made a collection of scripts with basically all options available for bake: take a look at



hi Florian ,

thank you for your reply

but there is an error :  RhinoDocument does not exist in the current context !!

  string default_name = doc.Layers.CurrentLayer.Name;

please I have problem visual studio does not know "doc" although I added the RhinoCommon.dll !!

This script only works in a c# script component...

in visual Studio you have to instantiate the rhinodocument

doc or RhinoDocument reference to Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc. So either instantiate both:

RhinoDoc doc = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc;

RhinoDoc RhinoDocument = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc;

but better change the variable name of RhinoDocument to doc. You can also replace doc and RhinoDocument and call directly Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Layers ... ect.

thank youu  Florian  :)

Hi Florian ,

when the type is  "List<Point3d> " 

How do I change this :

RhinoDocument.Objects.AddCurve(somecrv, att);

it can be :

doc.Objects.AddPoint (....,att) ://


same case  when I have " List<Curve>"

Always my layer is empty  ://

thank you 

1) doc.Objects.AddPoints(yourlist, att);

2) foreach(Curve c in yourlist)

          doc.Objects.AddCurve(c, att);

and start reading the SDK ;-)

thank you very much :))






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