
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


What I want to do is to divide particular surface two times. So: 1. I want to divide a surface into smaller panels. 2.: I want to divide panels into smaller surfaces, so that I can place circular patterns into them. I did so, and I get an error/bug. 

Thanks in advance

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Hi Aleksander,

Graft the "S" output plug of your first "Subsrf" component.

Please attach you files in case this did not help.

OK. To be honest, I have found that definition probably on this forum. It divides the surface into pieces and puts circles inside, in relation to the linear attractor. What I wanted to modify, is to put more circles in each rectangle, on a regular grid  - 5 in row - 10 in column. The rectangles now, are the panels, that would be good to have. And second thing, I don't know how to control the circles inside more, so that they would be smaller than the rectangle itself, with the particular limit of radius. 

I am sorry for my stupid questions, I am quite new with grasshopper and the thesis term is unevitable. I would appreciate any help guys.


Attractor definition have always been a true nightmare for my poor PC configuration.
Just got 2 "Rhino is out of memory" messages when trying to modify your attached file.
I could not help you, sorry.

Anyway, thanks for trying

I was kinda thinking I made the definition simplier, is there any possibility of making curve, or a point attractor circle grid, that would only choose radiuses from particular list ?






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