
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


is it possible to have a second method for dragging the canvas?

Could it be done like in some games? For example, hold Right mouse butom and the canvas moves as the mouse, the scrolling in controled by the direction of the drag and the speed is controled by the distance from the from the click. I think it would be more eficient than dragging the mouse along the entire desk.

1. Right click and drag in the direction you want to scroll.
2. The distance from the start of the drag determines the speed.

And by the way, for tablet users (wacon like, not handhelds), the infinite drag from rhino and Gh doesn't work.

Views: 363

Replies to This Discussion

Are you using the Navigate feature at all?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I don't really use it, and it's because I have to hit space and select it every time. It could be easier if the user could select the "behavior" of the drag. And it's just a sugestion, nothing serious. I use Jump a lot for example..

I was just wondering. I know it's a bit of a drag* to start Navigate. Since touch-screens are becoming more ubiquitous we'll definitely make an effort for GH2 to make it fully usable using just your dirty little fingers. With Dan Belcher on the Rhino team now at least I'll have access to expert advice on touch and gesture UIs.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

* I do crack myself up...

No problem :D

I use a pen tablet instead of a mouse, I almost got RSI 2 years ago for working a lot of hour with the mouse, I don't know how many other users do that, but I found out it's way better then the mouse for 3D modeling and 'wiring' aroud gh..

I never got to actually work on a touch capable device, but it could be nice.. We'll probably find out!

Thanks again David, for you time and attention!

Long live GH.





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