
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

About Lofting surface and creating gird on divided surface

Hi there,

   Could someone please help me solving the issues that I find with using grasshopper.

    1) I want to create a lofted surface that started from two closed shaped at the bottom and finishes up to one closed surface at top How could I possibly do that?

     2) I also tried to divide the surface into two parts then I could set up two different UV grid, in this case I used hexagon, for the further development.  Splitting them was fine but when I tried to create the grid individually, it seemed created a grid across the original surface before splitting which it leads to lots of clear up job in ther furture. Can anyone help me with that? Thank you

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I've been working on something similar myself and the only way I could see this fixed is using the method described(briefly) here:

Your multiple curves look as if generated through 2d metaballs. To divide the curves properly you should use the length of each and divide that to the same number. I've myself went towards a different approach for my project which had to be laser-cut built since meshfrompoints generates a weird topology. 

Let us know how this sorts out for you.






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