
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Rajaa,

I'm looking in the GH PT add-on, and I can't find any tool to control variable panels.

Those options in the standard PT were extremely useful.

Are they still being developed or did you decide not to include them for some reason?

If they will not be included, can somebody point m to some examples where panels scale 1d, rotate, offset, etc. are done in a GH way.



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Are you doing 2D or 3D paneling?

For 3D, surface-based paneling I often use the Morph 3D List component to control variable panel systems - you can plug in a list of panel objects and a corresponding list of bounding objects in whatever fashion you like. As far as the transformations that induce the variations prior to paneling (scale, rotate, offset, etc.), you would use the base Grasshopper components like those found in the Transform tab and then plug the results into the Pattern Objects (PO) input of the Morph 3D List component.


Just like Brian suggested, GH beautifully supports a range of functions to scale and rotate patterns that they do not need to be embedded in PT components. You can even algorithmic-ally morph shapes using any kind of distribution and achieve a far more complex transition than simple scale or rotate.

Here are few examples of how you can incorporate GH standard functions and PT morphing.  Let me know if you need more examples.







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