
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Loosing ability to open new definitions in GH, Zooming in Rhino, Closing scripting Components

Since starting to work with Grasshopper for Rhino 5 I've had some weird behaviors.  Currently, at some point, seemingly unprovoked (but we know that's not the case) I loose the ability to open up definitions in GH.  Going to File -> Open, or just ctrl+O does nothing.  I can drag and drop a definition and it opens fine.  At the same time, I cannot zoom with the scroll wheel in Rhino.  I can run commands just fine, but zooming must be done via ctrl + rmb + drag.

Oh, and one last thing.  I also loose the ability to 'compile' scripted components, well, at least the C# ones anyways.

The weirdest thing, is that sometimes, I get the behavior, just very delayed.  Almost as if there is some asynchronous calls that for some reason are being blocked, but then eventually resolve.  This is not always detectable, but for the scriprint components, sometimes this happens.  I press OK, the component does not close, I keep pressing OK, component does not close, I close it with the X on the upper right corner, a few minutes later, the script updates to the changes I made.

Closing GH and Rhino and restarting makes this behavior go away, but very annoying nonetheless.  This happens every day, eventually about 30 minutes or so after I begin a new session of Rhino / GH.

Sorry I cannot provide more info. 

Windows 7 Pro x 64, Rhino 5 x 64, Grasshopper for Rhino 5 0.9.0014, a steaming heap of add-ons for GH (maybe there is an issue here...).

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Replies to This Discussion

Here is another one...can't get out of the Gradient Editor!  Cannot hit OK, Cancel, or the red X!

Very peculiar. I'm on the case. I'll see if I can find some common ground between all these bugs.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

+1 to Luis' behavior. I have the same C# problem and I also have the behavior described somewhere I've found where on some occasions opening a file, delete, enter, and esc. are disabled. Sometimes opening a new file fixes the problem and others are not.

Rhino 4 (if that matters Rhino5 eval too), latest gh, win 7.

Luis' gradient editor problems seems to be similar to mine - I can't edit any color... when clicking the color dot, window on the left just flickrs and stays empty (white). While draging the color dot, it's visible with all the color properties responding properly.

Yeah that's a known bug. You can change the colours directly on the canvas by right clicking over a Gradient grip.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia





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