
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am working on a variation of a staggered panel grid which is morphed with a simple rectangular pattern and then trimmed by a profile curve (using Region Difference). Everything works well except I would like to be able to traverse the panels in a very specific way for organization and labeling - that being one panel at a time, from top to bottom, from one column to the adjacent column, all the way across.

Given how the shifted grids are merged, I have been having trouble resolving how to remap the paths in order to achieve this. Any help is appreciated. I have included a list subset component with a slider in the definition (attached) to show how the panels are currently being traversed.

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I'll have to study your definition to see if there are ways to structure the solution in a way that might help with getting some ordered panels, but here are few things to note:

- Producing trimmed panels is the next big item on my list and it should save you quite a bit of hassle.

- I would try to trim one row of panels at a time, this way you at least have some order.

- You can try to extract the centroid of your panels and use these points coordinate as an indication to panel locations and order accordingly.

Thanks Rajaa. I tried a couple quick attempts at getting the centroids and sorting the panels in conjunction with the centroids (using the sort list component) which changed the ordering, but not yet as desired.

I also tried skipping the merge component and plugging one of the sub-grids directly into the morph component, but I ran into the same problem of needing to reverse the i,j traverse of the grid (ideally to j,i). I'm thinking maybe I can use the path mapper to help solve this and then maybe weave the panels back together, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.






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