
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

My wife needed to create some slip moulds from 3D designs, so GH was a natural...

This project on Thingiverse provides all the details and a video of the penultimate version's options and outputs. I just added a small update to deliver standard moulds rather than master moulds* to those who need them.

I thought others may benefit from some of the techniques used; for example a method of finding the optimal natch (alignment feature) location in the most open mould surface. The solid intersection function has some edge cases where it misbehaves; the algorithm works around these.

Any feedback is welcome. I hope others find this amusing and for some of you even useful! I directly attach the GH file for those interested.



* Master moulds are a "mould for a mould". For slip casting, you can use this programme to create a master mould - from which you then generate a plaster mould. Clay slip is then poured into this mould - and the plaster absorbs water from the slip to create a "skin". You then pour out the remaining liquid slip and are left with a finely detailed hollow article which can then be fired and decorated. Old fashioned "mass production"

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Replies to This Discussion

Seems great! I'll take a close look at this. Thanks Rod.

another interesting process :

Looks like fun!

There's an update on the Thingiverse site and attached that correctly scales the open platform depths (but requires Hoopsnake).

The bi-material platform now has a central print-through of the top layer material so 3D extruder printers have both extruders active for the whole print. Prevents clogs. The whole point of the bi-material approach is to better control platform warping; a PLA underlayer is stiffer (and can print without a heated build plate) and ABS is easier to make plaster moulds from if you are using gesso or a similar material to smooth the mould prints. You can of course always direct cast plaster from PLA but it does not hold gesso...






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