
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to cap an extrusion I created with two offset lines and two regular lines, however it won't work.  I guessing that the capping doesn't work because there are two different line types (polyline, linear line) / surfaces when extruded (untrimmed surface, open brep).  I have tried several different methods to extract the lines to make them all the same (including exploding, extracting brep components, flattening the tree) but none have worked.  Can anyone give any advice/help? 


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In order to cap successfully you need to have closed planar curves before you extrude. Why not create a planar surface first and then extrude. I think the reason for not joining all the curves comes down to tolerances.

Thanks Danny.
I just tried to do exactly what you did, but the planar surface did not work (has an error)!?! So it still doesn't work on my machine. Any idea why?

Oops forgot to add the flatten component for the screen shot. Right click on the input to the planar srf component and select flatten.






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