
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello I'm a new user and I'm wondering where the Interval components can be found. I've come across a few uses for it in tutorials but I can't find the component in the newest build.


Views: 8427

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I had same problem. Thanks :)

thanks ;)

I was going crazy looking for the answer to just this question. Thanks so much.
Casey, I have the same problem, I can't found the interval component and I don't know in the new version which is the name of the component, maby now you know... did you know????...

Ah! Yes!

jeje... I think everybody had this problem in the past... 


i hand same problem.thanks

Hi Casey!

I am new to grasshopper to,but I will try to help...."Interval" is being replaced by "Domain",If I am right...which you can find under "Math".

I'm having the same problems 2, I have the newest version of Grasshopper and learning from tutorials with an old version one. I hope you can tell me tips for learning grasshopper in perfect and fast way :)

Did you read the first response to the question?


David Rutten





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