
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have several surfaces which had more than 4 points, 5 to be exact so I created a quad and a triangle.  Now I am trying to join them so that I can apply a plane, do a voronoid and trim the surface between the plane and the voronoid, but every result gives me only half of the surface.  Iv'e tried join, merge, and booleon commands and they all fail.  Everything was constructed by moving a single point.

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Can you post the definition?


The definition is large.  On the top right you'll find surfaces (top, right, left) that aren't showing the full surface, just a half.  These three surfaces are made up of 3 to 4 points and joined to an adjacent surface to make a solid surface if you follow the wires, then they go into the voronoid definition.  All the rest you can forget, that deals with splitting the surface volumes in three layers (incomplete for now).




I couldn't get your file to open.  It's probably because I don't have any of the additional GH plugins that you're using. 

I checked, I didn't see any of the components came from other plug-in's.  It takes a few minutes to load, but it will eventually load if you care to try it again.  


Ignore the warning on the Voronoi component.


This will explicitly set the plane if you want to get rid of the warning in the Voronoi component.  The closer the surface is to being planar the more accurate it will be.






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