
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hy Guys,

last weekend I was working around with a little Programm I made, which searches randomly for possilble GH Objects to connect with other ones ...

For Example: If I want to know which (randomly choosen) GH Object could connect to (for example)  "Plane Components" (from the Category Vector, SubCategory Plane) it tells me, that "Evaluate Box" (from the Category Surface, SubCategory Analysis) would be a possibility. It searches for the needed Inputs and then randomly returns a GH Object which provides the Type of needed Input in his Output.

Now it's programmed with three Textboxes, where I have to type the Names of Category, SubCategory and the Object itself.

I would like to do it just with Mouseclicks: I just want to click on a Button in the prog and then just click on a Object on the Canvas and the Category, SubCategory and Name should appear in the Programm.

Does anyone have an Idea for this ??

Greets Alex

Views: 1067

Replies to This Discussion

Wait, you are creating a GHA project right? This is not an EXE is it?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Sorry I thought it was clear, that I am working on an EXE. ;-)

Then you can't access the Grasshopper SDK. Grasshopper requires Rhino to run so if you reference Grasshopper.dll and





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