
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Everybody,

I am researching about branching systems and I am a litlebit desperated. I researched about the koch curves, Fractal plants and dragon curves ( to understand how L-systems is working. Also I find the Rabit automator from Morphocode ( like the VB scribts wich all help me to anderstand the basic of the Branching system (L-System.)

Now my problem is that these functions are all based from one point and generating new points where the branches are growing.

In my case I wand to let grow the branch over my Surface (Building Facade). I try to find out at first how I can let the branching system roll over a 2D PointGrid but no chance I haven't find a solution.

I would like happy for further advices wich can bring me one step forward. I attached some simple screen shots to discribe better my problem. The last sketch is a simple diagram how I want to let the branching roll over the grid.

I am thanking you in forward for your answers,

Kind Regards ILIAS,

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Hi Ilias

nice to meet you again in the forum after our geco workshop... it was really great to work with you guys.
branching is always a interesting topic and the first thing you have to be clear about is the rule of your branching this is how all the algorithms are working ( 2 steps straight 1 left 3 steps straight 1 right and so on) so the problem on your sketch is that you used the elias rule and now you have to parameterize it ..... so think about a logic and exceptions and there you go (this things fast get recursive and heavy on the programming side but i am for sure you will succeed)

Hello to] the honor was on our side to work with you and [u... and thanks for your quick answer

I know in the skecth is no branching rule... it is only to show that the branches should not depanding to the length and angel factor. I will define the rule but the brunches should roll over the points. is this possible?
thanks for your compliment
sure it is possible
so you have to start with a random starting point and create the first polyline
after that next start-point go one with your rule and check in your script if this point is already used or not, if it is used it has to go left or right and or if the overall straight point-count is too less than the loop has to return and start with the next start-point and so on ...... unless you reach your last start-point
hope that helps for the logic
Yes the logic is correct I looking after more scripting solutions than.

Thank you very much,






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