
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

First, a small wish/question - there are some real-time webcams in internet, and it would be really nice to somehow be able to feed them into the firefly webcam/image component.

some of them are just updating bmp at the url....

Second, I have  a dream now - to use firefly as a postprocessing of grasshopper/rhino3d viewports...

for this we need to be able to feed a viewport to firefly the same way as we feed webcams...

Third one is to be able to render/grab image from firefly image components somewhare out of grasshopper/rhino, with the option to record it as video or image. through this we`ll be able to feed 3d image into firefly, posprocess it within firefly (glow effect for example) and save the result as a video or image....

for the third part, probobly there are some video-players able to do this...

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I'd like to be able to choose the stop bit manually on the com port reader and make my 1200/8-N-1 connection work. 

thanks andy!

Thanks guys for all of the suggestions. First to Phillips suggestions:  I do see the benefit of adding in functionality for connecting to video streams via the internet.  I don't quite know how hard it will be to implement, but I will look into it.  As for your second wish, this could be quite difficult to produce.  Each of the Rhino viewports is generated on the fly using Rhino's core engine.  It isn't as easy as just taking a 'screen-grab' of each viewport and creating a live video from it.  I'll look into this feature in more detail... but off the top of my head, this sounds difficult to create.  As for your third suggestion, I believe what you're after is the ability to save video/images as stand along movie or image files.  I also see the benefit of adding this feature, and will start working on this as well.  I will likely need to collaborate on this with Panagiotis Michalatos who developed the C_sawapan_media.dll file which is what Firefly uses to tap into webcams.  

Martin, as for the custom stop-bit... this likely wouldn't be that difficult to add in... the issue here is that I don't want to make it more confusing for beginners, and adding in more parameters could do this. At the same time, I'd like it to be as flexible and robust as possible.  Perhaps I could add a new input to the Generic Serial Read component which allows you to specify the 'end of line' marker for whatever message is being sent over the serial port.  The default could be the standard '\r\n' (carraige return and new line feed) markers... but this could be overridden with whatever character you chose.  I'll see if I can add this for the next release.

Thanks for the suggestions.


Andy, thank for your reply.

I just was inspired about how it works in vvvv - there you have to render the scene, then add some post-effects to the image in real time and it looks cool just becouse of that effects

Thanks! Looking forward to the next release then!






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