
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Nurbs curves or Nurbs surfaces?

Our wiki has some pages with details about Nurbs:


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


I am using the VB editor in Grasshopper to draw and script a recursive loop. Unfortunately, I am not extremely well versed in creating objects through the VB editor. Essentially, I need a reference, or set of instructions that outlines the scripting of basic geometry (lines, points, circles, and so on). Any other geometry I can create in grasshopper.

thanks for the quick response. I will check these sites.

Rhino is at heart a Nurbs editor, but it supports many types of geometry. Analytic Lines, Arcs, Circles and Polylines for example can be stored without recourse to Nurbs geometry. There are also surface types that are not Nurbs surfaces.

If you're looking to create lines and circles then I suggest staying away from Nurbs curves altogether. Have a look at the Line and Circle types.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you very much.

I followed the links and it led me to what I needed (the Rhino namespace listing). I do have an two additional questions.

I need to draw a line from a point to the tanget edge of a circle (similar to the Tangent Lines component in GH) with a recursive loop. Is there a way to extract the VB script from the component? If not I can do the math, but I am sure that it will extend my script.

Is there a way to detect line intersections? I will repost these same questions in the VB forum as well. Thanks again






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