
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to upload the sketch to arduino from grasshopper in firefly 1.0066

Why this Upload to I/O Board component temporarily removed from Firefly 1.0064 to 1.0066?
I don't get into the firefly very long ,I saw this component in some tutorial videos,which function is to upload sketch from grasshopper to arduino.
And what should I do if I want to upload sketh to arduino from firefly 1.0066?
And where I can download any firefly release before 1.0064?

Views: 777

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Yuco,

This component was temporarily removed in ver. 1.0065 primarily because this release coincided with the release of the Arduino IDE 1.0.   When the Arduino team went to version 1.0, they made some changes to the uploading process, and I didn't want the Firefly component to then be incompatible (because the Code Generator still definitely works).  

The process to upload a sketch generated via Grasshopper/Firefly is only somewhat modified now.  Essentially, you just need to save the code (generated using the Code Generator) to some directory on your computer (Note: the file name can not include any spaces, and the name of the file needs to be same as the folder it resides in... ex. C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Arduino\CodeGen\CodeGen.ino)  Also make sure the file extension is as an .ino (which is the new default file name for arduino sketches used in IDE 1.0.  Once the file is saved, just launch the Arduino IDE and open the file and upload the sketch using the Arduino IDE.  It's not quite as streamlined as I would like, but it's still a pretty quick process.  

As to your second question... why do you need an earlier version?  I could send you the zip file for the older version, but I would prefer if people use the most current version as it is the most up to date and compatible with the most recent release of Grasshopper.








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