
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I'm looking for a way to create a surface with a vb component, using 6 points (hexagon).

I've found a way to draw a polyline through these points (from this discussion:

But I would also like to fill it with a surface.

However, I've only found a way to create surfaces with a maximum of 4 points (RhUtil.RhinoCreateSurfaceFromCorners(point1, point2, point3, point4)).

Could anyone help me in the right direction?



Views: 1144

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Fernando,

it is technically possible to create a single hexagonal Nurbs surface, but it involves interior multiple knots, which is generally a bad idea. You're probably better off creating a Trimmed surface, which means you need to create a Brep. If your hexagon is flat you can use the Brep.CreatePlanarBreps Shared method, which does the same as the Rhino PlanarSrf command.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David, thank you for the feedback.

Unfortunately the hexagon needs to follow an organic surface and stretches in all directions.

I tried to find the CreatePlanarBreps method, but I think I'm working with a different namespace (rma.opennurbs)?

Is it still possible to create a surface (non-planar) between the hexagon points? In the end each hexagon-element has to be printed in 3D and then assembled.

Apart from that I'm also struggling to find a VB way to do a boolean subtract from that surface. Each hexagon should have a hole in the center.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Hi Fernando,

RMA.OpenNurbs and RMA.Rhino is the old SDK. The new VB/C# components use RhinoCommon (as does Grasshopper natively for quite some time now). I highly recommend using RhinoCommon as it's being actively developed. It's also quite a lot easier to use in my opinion.

Since your 6 corner-points are not co-planar there is no longer a single obvious way to create a surface that intersects them all. You're going to need to tell us how you want the surface to behave in between the points.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,

I have quickly ported everything to Rhinocommon as you advised. I was not aware of this and worked with older components apparently.

The first thing I miss is the 'RhUtil.RhinoCreateSurfaceFromCorners' method with which I can created four-corner surfaces. Is there another function for this in Rhinocommon?

About the behaviour of the surface in between the points: it just should be as planar/flat as possible, but it's okay if the eventual surfaces have a curvy surface.



* EDIT *

I already found the NurbsSurface.CreateFromCorners() method. Rhinocommon is really much clearer.






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