
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Split points from several lists and make a curves???


I divide 3 line into 60 (or random) points.

Now i have to make curves between these points (between divided lines).

But i dont now how to split lists or to collect same points so i can join them.

Like, first points in lists are first curve, second points in lists are second curve, and so on.


1-1-1 first line

2-2-2 second line

3-3-3 third line

4-4-4 ...


and so on..


Views: 6625

Replies to This Discussion

I made it!!

with weave option

if somebody need it, just write.

Hi Milan,

I have exactly the same problem and tried the weave like you said, but it connected 0-0-0 to 1-1-1 to 2-2-2 etc. Any ideas why?

i attached printscreen 


I would say that your data/path structures don't match across all three lists can you post the .gh file?

here it is :)


Here's what I would do with your situation.

Use the Entwine component to get the 3 separate lists into a better path structure and then use the flip matrix component.

ok that gave me this....which is already better thanks!!

but is there a way to get individual curves? not a continuous spiral like i got


You must be flattening the output of the Flip Matrix component or the input of the IntCrv in order to get that result.

you're right :)

and do you have any idea why the last three points are not connecting?

try to set periodic curve to true

Those will be the points that you've split out of the list. Have a look in the B output of your Split List Components

let me try






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