
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi. I need to find the interection of two co-planar circles. I looked thru onutil.ON_Intersect to no avail, and now I'm trying rhutil.RhinoCurveBrepIntersect, since one of my circles came from a sphere intersection with a plane. I'm having trouble with this function though.


1. Since the curve I'm supplying is an OnCircle, it is saying it can't cast that to OnCurve.

2. Tolerance - I understand the concept, but not any details.

3. The output could be curves or points, and the points are an On3dPointArray, but the other says OnCurve[]  -- do the brackets mean an array or what?


Of course, if there is better function to do this, then these questions are kind of moot, but I'm still curious about them.



Views: 1048

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I think that all I need to do is find the intersection of two circles using math instead of some built-in intersection methods. Any advice?
Yeah, that would be my advice. Don't try to use the OpenNurbs curve intersectors, they're way too top-heavy for this.

All you have to do is plug the distance between the two center points and the two radii into the Law of Cosines and you've got your angles.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

That's a beautiful diagram. What did you use to create it?
XaraX. I use it for all my vector graphics (that includes all icons).

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
And low-priced too. Nice.

I want to see the squashed cat come back. My favorite now is Spherical Cloud.






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