
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Issue With Mesh Boolean with Custom Lofted Faces and Original Mesh

I've been working on this definition for a while and this has been tripping me up. Any advice from the wise people here? The Meshunion that is highlighted is what I've been having problems with at the moment. It fails to join 

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Christopher,

the wire going into the Mesh Union is double-dashed. Are you sure you are supplying lists of multiple meshes rather than a bunch of lists with one mesh each?

Also, the MUnion component appears to be orange underneath the selection, what is the warning it displays?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Oh wait, I can see from your panels that you are supplying a lot of lists with one mesh each. You'll need to operate on this data structure so that all the meshes you want joined end up in a single list. 

I'm moving this discussion to the regular forum as it doesn't appear to be a bug.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

The warning is that 'mesh union failed'. I'm still really new to grasshopper, what would be the best way to go about separating the meshes from the list and ultimately joining them to the original mesh? Thanks for the help!

I've attached the .ghx for others to look at

Hi Christopher,

A couple of things.

1-Your Random generator was creating lots of duplicate values. I saw this when previewing the resulting extrusions (some extrusions looked darker than others, hinting at multiple geometries in the same location. I simply sorted the list of values and used the Delete Consecutive component. This potentially rearranges the order of values but I don't think that matters in your case. I also threw in an Int component which actually seems to make a difference (try sidestepping it and you will see!).





2-I flattened the output of the mesh component before sending it to union. This ensures that the original mesh is booleaned once with all the components rather than individually with each of the 86 components. 


Is this what the result should look like?



One suggestion for future postings: when referencing geometry in rhino, it often helps if you attach your rhino file as well so people don't have to guess where you are starting from. 

If you have further questions, just ask ;-)



Thank you! That is exactly what I was trying to accomplish :)

This is for an interactive piece I've been working on with another person with data packets coming in from MAXmsp and they'll be manipulating the mesh; the reason I didn't attach any rhino file is that it is supposed to work with any mesh (at least what we're trying to work on haha)

Thanks again! 






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