
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to apply the wind force to a triangular mesh following and applying the wind examples of Kangaroo. Although I'm not getting any error message, my mesh is not responding to the applied wind.

Any advice on how to get around it? Thanks.

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Looks like you just need to flatten the input to Force objects

i see... thanks Daniel.

I notice that the more I increase the wind force, the more the mesh will deform. It creates a sort of inflation/balloon effects and I'm trying to avoid that. How can I make sure that the size of the subdivisions of the triangulation will not change too much? Is it the plasticity of the spring component?

To stop the mesh stretching so much you need to increase the stiffness of the springs relative to the other forces.

However, if you have a flat triangle fixed at its corners with absolutely no stretch in the edges, then it can't go anywhere. So you need to either restrain it at fewer points, give it some slack (make the rest length slightly longer than the initial length), or allow a bit of stretching.

Plasticity is probably not what you want to change here, as this is what allows a spring to permanently change its rest length when you deform it beyond the elastic limit.

I understand. the reason I was asking that is because I'm trying to follow a model I made in which the three vertices/points of a triangulated surface slide inwards (and upward) when wind blows. I would like the surface to close on itself to create an enclosed space.


Hi Fabio,

I'm very new to Grasshopper and Kangaroo. And, I've used your definition to recreate one of Ned Kahn's wind project. But when I've applied it to the series of individual grid cells, which created by the panelling tool plug-in, they are all merged together. So I'm wondering if you can help me to separate them so they can react individually upon the applied wind.


Many Thanks     


Fabio & Daniel,

I made a pentagon with some anchor points...tahm I inflate and made a estructure!







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