
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there

I have a few boxes that i want to create opening on west-facing surface. how to i select/divide a particular set of data so that grasshopper knows where to offset those opening?

I tried to explode al the boxes to faces but i still have no idea how to select the west-facing ones without manual picking them up. any help would be much appreciated!

Views: 882


Replies to This Discussion

How about this one?

Best Regards



Hi Dedackel, thanks for the reply. Really appreciate that! Especially the faces which respond to point in the curve. Didn't know that before.

1.But after playing around with your definition, i found that the faces dont quite respond to the point in the circle you made. i tried to replicate one circle for every layer of boxes but obviously it didnt work  

2.Also, after getting offset lines and original edges of the surfaces, i tried to make them a planar surface/loft but i could make a 'frame' out of it. could you please enlighten? i am guessing that's because of the handling of data didnt go so well for grasshopper?

3.And what I intend to do in the end is box like the one below which has controllable permeability, but I couldn't find any component to replace one side of particular surfaces with new frames (assuming I would be able to make that in grasshopper finally). I've tried "culln" but it was not any successful. 

long question, but really glad if you could help =]



I am not sure if I understand you correct.

But have a look at this file.

Best Regards



sorry dedackel can you post a print screen of your definition because some of the components obviously missing =[ thanks!






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