
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone.

This will probably sound as a very simple (and dull) question but how can I align a plane to a line and make that line the radius of a circle?

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There is an Aligned Plane Component that might work well for you here.


Thanks Danny. it makes sense.

I also found another way of doing it. Maybe it is not the right one but it works and it uses less components. I just rotate the plane along the curve... but since it works with radians, probably your definition will be more precise.

Thanks again.


Your method would be better if you measured the angle to rotate otherwise this would be a manual process each time you changed your parameters. Which kind of defeats the aim of doing it in Grasshopper.

Where as with a definition that measures the angle you would probably end up with more components.

Here with reference points moved, definition stays the same.


Thank Danny. Very helpful.

I'm now facing another another problem... how can I move a point along a curve and have it to influence other points connected to it? (please see attachment). I tried Divide Curve and move the points with a List Item but that will change the length of the polyline while I would like that to be a fixed value and to have the points to follow the movement... does it make sense? :) 


Use the Evaluate Length Component. In the Definition attached move the slider to move the point along the curve.

Note when you reference the points from Rhino select them in the order (Origin, Point 1, point 2)


I am probably choosing the wrong path to visualise my idea... I want to simulate a simple response of a surface/mesh to wind condition. I understood Kangaroo it is the best plug-in for that but as a beginner I find it a bit hard to understand it. In the definition, each slider move a point but what I'm trying to achieve is to create somehow a relationship between the three points so that the distance among them will be fixed and when one of the points move, it will drag the other points along...


Is this more like what you are after?


not exactly... I think I will have to go through the principles of Kangaroo and explore the possibility of use it to define the responsiveness of surfaces. Thanks a lot for you help Danny






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