
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Does anybody knows how can I place a set of points with similar distance between them on a irregular surface? (undevelopable)


If I divide a surface, depending on u and v coordinates those points will be placed closer or farther if curvature is concave or convex or if u and v lines on surface are closer.


I dont necessarity need a very regular distribution, so I tried to use random points but allwais I have to project sometime and i have a bigger density of points someware.



I check for tesellation tools but I couldn´t do anything.




any suggestions?








Views: 1259

Replies to This Discussion

Similar distance or identical distance?

Identical is mathematically impossible, except on a very small subset of surfaces and point-counts.

Similar will most likely involve some sort of iterative algorithm that keeps on jiggling points until an acceptable solution is reached.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Talking of iterative jiggling of points constrained to surfaces - just got this working properly in Kangaroo last night!

and before anyone else asks again - soon. very soon
I need a similar distance, fortunately !

So, what you mean it is possible with Kangaroo?

I saw your video:

is it possible to drop those balls into a nurb and take their center?

I need to ask it...(sorry) when?
See the video i just posted for what I mean. That's just a rough demo, and you'd probably need to play with the forces a bit to get a really nice distribution, but you get the picture.

One nice use of this would be to put tangent planes at these points then intersect them with each other to get a watertight panelling of planar hexagons/pentagons on the surface.

As for dropping balls into a NURBS surface - not just yet. I've got some basic collisions sorted, but am still working on the more general collision response.

End of the week :)
It will be a pleasure to test it.

It looks very nice, thanks for your help.






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