
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, am still new to GH and am trying to build this model (please see image) using the component at the bottom of the image. However I am currently stuck as I could not find the component highlighted in red and I am using GH 0.6. 

Are there any alternative component I can use in GH 0.6 and still arrive at a preferable solution? any suggestion would help.


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If you double click on the canvas in 0.6 you will get the Create Function. Simply start typing the component name you are looking for and it should return the possibilities. Domain used to be called Interval. 

Wow!!! you are a genius Danny... I found all the missing component just as you asked me to. woww cant believe I spent all this time trying... knowledge is defiantly power!! 

Thanks a lot.


Why you no update to the latest GH?

Also see attached picture for where to find them in the latest GH:






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