
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear community,


I have developed a definition that allow to populate component on mesh geometry. I know that a lot of people on ths community mentioned that it is not possible but I think it is possible to do that. The only thing that frustrate me is that it takes long time to compute and often it crashes. Can anyone have a look at this definition and advise to improve it? Particularly, time aspect. Any advise will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.



Views: 1530


Replies to This Discussion

Hi kwanphil.

The reason your having problems is your componet that your wanting to populate the mesh with is very very heavy. Either reduce the amount of crvs down alot or better still create the geometry as a meh as this will morph lot quicker.

With regards to simplifying creating the target boxes on the mesh to morph the component in try this GHuser cluster i wrote for my studio colleages

Hope this helps


Thanks Matt for your response. I will try it and let you know the progress.


Matt, I think there is some bug with Ghuser component. The component appears in the menu bar but as soon as I dragged them down, it just turned out to be panel with some codes on it. Can you have a look at it? Thanks in advance

Hmmm . Can you post a screen capture i will see what happens here too

Hi. Matt

Please find attached file. Thanks for your help.


Sorry for the Delay one of my GH plug-in ment i could not see any components on my user tab.

I can't seem to create the panel problem here, Have you installed Uto's Mesh Tools as thats required for it to work.

Heres the Cluster open.







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