
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everybody,

I'm using Rhino for make the thickness of a surface made by the loft of 2 edge lines...

I'm trying to use OffsetSurface but I'm still having problem whit the angles fitting,is it possible to make the offset of a surface whit Grasshopper better and faster?

What can I do?


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Ciao Jacopo. Not better and not faster than offset surface, you can use the first part groupped of deff (Mesh_brep+Wb thickness for faster and worst) ;)



I will try and let u know....

Works fine...the only things you have to do is redraw in the same direction the profile curves for the loft...^_^

Right! That is why i used shift list with wrapped values( boolean true) at first part of deff.
Regards ;)


I'm still having some problem whit the thickness of the surface...I hope someone can help me...

I need to offset the surface 2 times, 20cm first and 10cm the second step but I don't know how to do this,because at the second step I need to offset (extrude-thickness) only the upper profile of the to do?

I tried to redraw the upper profile and using the definition for offset again but it doesn't work fine beacuse the offset goes in all direction (up,down) I need only up...

Some ideas?

One more problem -> I'm trying to panel the same surface made by the loft of 2 profile but I don't know how if the definition works fine....

I posted the file and the *.gfx definition...

Many thanks!


im not the best to answer to your second question. Anyone?


In your 3dm file ware two polylines with diferent number or edges...i attached another. ;)


Sorry for my nescience but using your new definition and my 2 profile curve I have this result:I don't know if is a geometry problem or something different but actually this way doesn't works fine...

I found another way:

1-make the surface whit sweep 2 rail on Rhino

2-import the surface on grasshopper and use Extrude

is not the same of offset because the tichkness is not homogeneous but it's fine for my purpose....

Anyway If you want you can try to use your definition on my roof.3dm if you do let me know...


i have change the plane for offset opperation in the second offset. Cheers. ;)








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