
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I need to divide curve.

Distances between divide points has to be numbers 30,60,90 in random way.

Something like this i want to get:


x 30 x 60 x 30 x 30 x 90 x 60 x 30 x 90 x 60 x


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This might be a start.  You shouldn't need the scaling part if your division lengths are in proportion to your curve length.  I just used the scaling to get a curve big enough to use the 30, 60, 90 lengths.



Chris thank you very very much, it works well.

Im thinking now, how can i make series of different combinations. Is it possible in this case?

Maybe somehow to include graph, or is there some simplier way? Just changing seed of random engine.


Maybe like this then?


I try but slider make variations only for 4 positions?

and i see that on 1 it is rarest

on 3 it is the most densely

It would be good if there is way just to divide with these numbers, but in random way(positions)

This one is working better.  You have to adjust the curve length or the number of divisions so that you don't run off the end of the curve.  If it's only the ratio of 1:2:3 that is important then this problem can be eliminated by reparameterizing the curve and remapping the division lengths.


Chris thanks for you help,

it work well for my works.





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