
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

  Hello all. When using the numerical slider, i noticed that even if you use floating point numbers using 6 digits after the decimal, it always rounds to the nearest thousandth (.001). This doesn't happen until I close this specific file I'm working and then open it again.

  any help or way around this would be much appreciated.



Views: 1889

Replies to This Discussion

It seems the last three digits are not saved properly, but the slider retains it's decimal places. Is that what you're seeing too?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I just fixed that, the next release will store all 6 decimal places correctly. In fact, the bug was in the reading, not the writing, so even files saved with older versions will have all 6 decimal places intact.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

 Thanks for the quick reply. Yes that is what's happening. It retains the amount of decimal places but doesn't properly save the last free digits. So will I need to download the next version for this to be fixed now? If so when will the next version be released?

I don't have a release schedule like Rhino5 betas. I'm working on a number of small features and would like to test a new ZUI approach to Text Panels soon. I'll see if I can release later today or otherwise tomorrow.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,

  I guess there still isn't an update to fix the rounding issue on numeric sliders yet?


Sorry no, I'm working to finish some changes to the VB/C# script components. Until I'm done with them I can't really release.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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