
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I just started with Grasshopper but I am having trouble with making holes in a surface with a grid. I created my grid with a weave so I can change the pattern.

I try to use Isotrim to divide the grid into subsets, but it doesn't work. 

Can someone help me? 

I only have a Grasshopper model. 

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Here's the attachment


hope helps ;)


You can't give curves to isotrim to define the subsets, it works on 2D domains only.

What you can do is use SrfSplit though:

Warning, this can take some time with a large number of splitting curves.

Thank you both!

That's exactly what I ment! I already thought I needed another component. 

Thanks for the warning, my Grasshopper couldn't handle it the first time I tried. Because of the size of the wall. I shrinked it and it worked. Thanks a lot!

If you dont have many holes, trimming with only the random reduced curves would be better.

(Instead of trimming all, then reduce some).

Thanks for the add! But I prefer to make a lot of holes so I am going for the srfSplit, it works now also on my preferable length.:)





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