
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello world. 


Im trying to create a waffle script, and having a problem with the data going into the boolean difference. I have two groups of geometry(each group coming from the path mapper going to the solid difference):

5 waffle slices(in the x direction) of the original object

5 sets of 5 boxes(in the y direction), aligned to the centroid of each of the waffle slices(this is so the planes only intersect with the bottom half of the waffle slice)


I cant get the solid difference component to process 1 waffle slice and 5 boxes together, then the next waffle slice and then the next 5 boxes together, and so on. 




I think this is set/list problem, which is not my forte. Any ideas? 





Views: 1554


Replies to This Discussion

Can you post the rhino file with the geometry?

Heres the rhino geometry, sorry about that!


Like so?

Yes! thats it, thank you so much! 

Excuse my naivete, but im not sure what flip matrix is doing here. Using panel and param viewer are not really revealing anything to me upon trying to dissect it. Do you think you could explain why mine wasnt working and yours does?

thanks again

The easiest way to see what is happening is to use a List Item component on the output of the Flip Matrix component and another one on the corresponding Path Mapper component.  The grouping order is what is flipped.






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