
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I'd like to create a vb component just like Finches' RhinoLayers, but with the parent/child info as well. Actually I'd like the inport and export components to deal with this matter too...

The thing is, I'm a bit in a hurry here, so I thought I might do it myself rather than depending on finches authors, but I'm a bit lost in the layer table class etc... Could someone brief me?


Thanx in advance,



Views: 674

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Hi Fred,

if it's helpful, there's a lot of examples of using and reading the LayerTable in our rhinopythonscripts repository. check out FileTools and LayerTools. You'll have to translate from Python to vb, but the principles for accessing and using LayerTable are the same.

You'd probably get more answers if you asked more specific questions, such as how to achieve a specific output from reading the layer table. (how do you want to output parent/child info?, what about the LayerTable class is confusing?)

Hi Benjamin,

Thank you for your answer. Sorry I didn't reply sooner.

Anyway I found my way through RS. The thing that confused me in RhCommon is that you have to deal with both names and uuids - as I understand it... Actually I learnt today that layers could share a name in rhino 5. It would explain the id thing. I fail to grasp the goal in this, usually it's preferable to have different names for each layer, isn't it?

What I want is just two more outputs. For one the layer's parent layer name, and the layer's children lists (branched by layer).

I see on your web page that you worked on the local code. Is this project still under developement?

Thanks again for your concern,








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