
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I need to create a diagrid on a surface that has straightedges. I know GH is normally used to created grids on curvilinear surfaces. Can anyone direct me to a definition, or help me create one? The Prada Tokyo building is the effect I'd like to achieve. So far I've had to settle for a rounded version of my surface.

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Probably not too efficient.




Thanks Chris!


A few things:

How can I divide the data tree so that each diamond has its own branch, with n=4? (I've been fiddling with culling patterns and can't quite get it right.)


I believe you're working in a new build of GH than I; is there anything that would prevent your definition from working if i were to create it manually? (The file wouldn't open.)


I see how this could work for a box, but what about my more irregular shape?



Can you post the definition for your shape?  It's much easier to solve these problems with the actual geometry you want to use.  I'm using GH 0.8.0050.



Sure thing...


Hi Curry, just a try for learning myself. Crhis will show us a better way for sure. Hope it helps







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