
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm sitting in a grasshopper workshop and my computer comes up with an error when I type in Grasshopper in Rhino.
It Says,
An error occured while trying to load the GH_Scribble component. Expection has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

If you know what this might be please let me know, or even better how to fix it.

Views: 1115

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hi tyler
please add a screenshot of the failure message + rhino version (V4 SR6 or SR7)
Here it is,
Are you running Vista or Win7?
Hi it's for my computer and it's running Vista.
did version 0.6.0057 run ok?
None of the versions work. .0.6.0057 is the version that is giving me the error
Have you installed the latest vcredist found here:
Yes I have. Still have the error
I think the problem lies within the the .NET Framework, so if, like to] mentions below, you already have the latest version, you might have to send a team of huskies out to David's ski lodge in Finland and drag him back to civilization to get to the bottom of this.
Well this sucks. Thanks for your help
ok should normally work.... complete deinstall also delete the folder and reinstall





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