
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everybody,


I just wanted to use the Intersection class in C# component just to be able to take  intersection of an object with a plane. It seems that the Intersection Namespace is not integrated in C# component and I couldn't also find any similar class in GrassHopper SDK. Now I had two questions:

what should I do if I want to use this class?

How I can manipulate to the namespaces that C# component is using?

Thanks in advance for the help.





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hey there, 


depending on what you want to do, actually there is a way to do it: 

Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.BrepBrep(x[i], x[j], 0.1, out intersectionCurves, out intersectionPoints);

I'm using this heavily inside the super connect definition i used for generating connectors for planes in space. Maybe looking inside the scripting component here can help:


Read you post again, and for a Brep vs. Plane intersection you just have to go Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.BrepPlane(bla bla)...


Hope it helps!


Cool Dimitrie,was very useful. However, it took me hours to understand how to define a curve and a Brep. It is simple you shouldn't just initialize them! (because the methods are protected)

It seems there is not a proper Construction method for making a curve in C# sharp and Brep is still a vague object type for me!

anyway I have attached the definition.


Moreover  I was fascinated by what you do at , too much cool stuff and work.


Good job man!









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