
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Generative Algorithms Porous Shell Zubin Khabazi Radial subdivsion

This may be a series of basic errors since I am newer grasshopper, however, I seem to be generating a dotted line which starts at my divison curve. Later when I attempt to interpolate curves I have six runtime errors which may affecting the outcome of the first step of the algorithm. The other issue I may have is the formation of my nurbs surface. Any help would be appreciated and I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge on rhino and grasshopper. Thank you.

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Im not sure what the goal of this is, or what you mean by dotted line.


but you had a devide by 0 which was giving you some of the run time errors.

Just slide it too one and you should fix those, can't process null values.


You are also trying to project on too edges, if you take your main srf reciever at the end and plug it into the faces of the brep componet you will be projecting onto breps and that should fix another runtime error.


If you hover your mouse over the inputs for a component it should tell you what types of data it wants in the tool tip.


hope that helps a little.

Thank you very much. I was able to work out value error I was unsure of using brep surfaces. In the next step I have to project an extruded surface along contours ( preivewed in the files) It is not alligning properly and later on I must generate triangulations on the entire surface. Does this relate to the my brep faces, or is it an ordering error? I also started over, trying to stick as close as I could to the tutorial file, just to make sure I understand what is happening so the file differs slightly Thanks.


I spent some more time with the program and want to make clear what I cannot seem to grasp. I am to bake the contour lines, edge curves and surface mid points. These are baked onto a seperate layer and then (selected not wired) by crv contours, pt ceneter and crv edges in the second step so I can generate triagnulations for the porous shell. This step in trying to understand the selection of the contour lines, edge curves and surface points are is what I am having diffucultly understanding. I hope this clarifies my problem a bit. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.   





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