
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey everyone-

Working on a script currently and running into a cull issue.  Here's the 2 second version.  I can upload a script or screenshots in the morning to clarify the issue a bit.  Essentially I have a bunch of points on a subdivided surface to which i am drawing a bunch of lines from a divided curve (think pseudo solar analysis- subdivided curve is sun path, lines are being drawn from this path to subdivided surface, a.k.a facade panels.)  The problem is that for whatever reason there are a LOT (really, a lot, like 5times) of points on that surface now where the BREP and the lines intersect (brep l curve component).  To remove all of these extra points I used a brep point inclusion component with a sphere as the brep at certain locations.  I got as far as placing the sphere at all of the proper points and generating a true/false inclusion list.  The problem now is that i cant use this list as a culling pattern for the original list of points (referred to previously as the list of a LOT of points).  So, is there a way to flip the list of true/false values so that everything true is now false and vice versa?  I tried dispatching the list of values but this did not seem to work properly.  Of the list of 1800 or so t/f values appx 400 are false but the t/f dispatch is giving me about 900 in each.  Any help is appreciated and I will upload the script and screenshots tomorrow.  As always, I really appreciate all of your help.  



Views: 2781

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There are two common ways to invert a Boolean list.

1) pass the list through [NOT]

2) On the Pattern Input of the Component there is a Context Menu Option to invert the list.

The rest I can answer with the help of the files.

Thanks for the quick reply Danny.  The [NOT] component worked great, but I now have the issue where points which fall within the test BREP refuse to be deleted via the cull.  I did some searching and came across this similar thread but am a bit baffled by how exactly to recreate the solution. Other Thread Here  Thanks again for the help.




Sorry, couldnt upload the rhino file.  It's here thru my dropbox




The problem was you were creating a culling pattern for each Brep therefore there where many many points ontop of each other except inside the BRep where there was many many minus one.


The solution is to flip the Booleans so that all of the booleans for a single point are on one branch and if it needs culling then one value will be True. Therefore Mass addition will generate the pattern you need.


Thanks Danny!  I tried opening the attached file on our school machines but it wont open.  It's probably because they have yet to upgrade to the most recent GH build (currently running 0.8.0010).  I follow your logic most of the way but would really appreciate it if you could post up a screenshot of the adjusted definition so I could try rebuilding it. 

Thanks again,


Inside>Flip Matrix>Mass Addition>Flatten,NOT>Cull Pattern


Thanks so much!






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