
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Missing UPD Processing library for gHowl example files.

While following gHowl UDP example files, I am getting a message error (in Processing) saying: “The package “hypermedia” does not exist. You might missing a library.”
I tried to look for it here and here hypermedia .net but the links doesn't work for me. Does anybody knows where can I find the library/ies?


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In the gHowl_Examples folder there is a directory called "_processing libraries to install."  You should unzip those and install them to where you have set up your sketchbook/libraries directory.

Also, The link you posted above works fine for me.  You would download the file (the same that is included with the gHowl examples).




I am having the same issue as Amir: The package Hypermedia does not exist.  I've tried reinstalling the libraries several times, but still can't get it to work. I can't even find a file called hypermedia in any of the libraries in the UDP folder.  Any ideas about what I might have done wrong?



Hello Katherine,

in the gHowl Example Files you should find a folder called '_processing libraries to install'

In here there is a file called 'udp.rar'

This is a compressed file which contains the library inside.  This library must be installed in your processing libraries.  If processing is giving you these issues, it means the library is not correctly installed.  You can also get the library from the processing website, in the libraries section.  Here is the original link:

You want the



Thank you! Somehow I forgot to put one of the libraries in the processing library folder.  I got it working.  I see that the sound data is generated by the movement of a mouse (as the processing sketch shows).  Do you have any tips for how I might input audio, not just mouse movement.

Sound data created by mouse movement?  I don't remember making any such example.  If you mean that there is a processing sketch that sends the mouse movement to GH, well, yes, this is a basic example, but has nothing to do with sound.


Again, check out the example files.  In the UDP folder, you will find gHowl_UDP_sound.  It uses something in processing to generate a sound, but you could also tweak the code to feed off of your audio input.  Make sure you understand how the minim library in processing does this.




Once again, Thank you for replying so quickly.  I found a manual on minim online and was able to figure out how to run the processing script that would import realtime audio data into grasshopper.  Sorry for all the questions; I'm a novice when it comes to processing.  

Congratulations on getting it working.  Don't worry about asking questions...looking forward to seeing what you do with this!

I tried a bit harder and it works perfect now.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful application!






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