
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

like title is a voronoi component but I don't have in mine GH...why?


what's his name?


thanks a lot


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I can't understand why it doesnt' work!


1. i create the components (Brep, Point, slider ---> 3dVoronoi--->brep)

2. set one Brep ---->my geometry it's a closed surfaces)

3.what i have to set in POINT? (I have no points to set...How I can create points?..I have to do it or it's random?)

4 what I have to set in the "out Brep (from 3d voronoi)



I want to obtain this VORONOI 3D division of my geometry.




post your 3dm file!

that's it...:-(




i'm not sure if this is that what you want,

but this is the way to do!


ok guys, thanks a is workin'...keep in touch for other kind of help!;-)


thanks a lot again!

that's what I've done!...thanks a lot!

how did you get the surface on the edges in this picture?this is kind of what i have been needing to do for a project. can you post the ghx and 3dm files please

hey any chance I can take a look at your final script? am a noob trying to understand how to make something cool like this. 

hi guys, first ve to say i am also an absulute beginner and this topic was very helpfull, so i wanted to ask if you could post this gh file from the picture above to understand how this would work?






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