
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,


I just condensed a fairly large definition into a single component with all the same inputs and outputs. What I notice is that when I run the definition not clustered, it runs very smoothly. But when I run it in the cluster, its significantly slower and is jerky when generating the results.


I'm just curious why this happens and if there is anything to do to speed up the performance of the clusters.




Views: 805

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Hi Brian,


Clusters are fairly complex things, they are basically documents that run inside other documents. There is a small overhead when the data needs to be pumped between documents, but it really shouldn't be very much. It is most likely a bug on my part.


If you can upload the example cluster that shows this effect, I can have a try at profiling it to see where the biggest delays occur (not that that will help you in any immediate sense)



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hey David, that would be great.


The difference is slight but definitely noticeable. My GH file has two groups - one clustered and one un clustered. It has to be used with the rhino file I've also loaded as it references it's geometry.


The clustered and unclustered groups each have a single number slider which you can use to visually compare the speed/smoothness of each.


let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks a lot for your time David.




I forgot to mention the GH files uses horster to reference the rhino geometry. It needs to be installed for the file to work.


Thanks again,


Thanks Brian



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David & Brian,

I also encouter this problem. Clustered definitions seems to be 5-10 times slower. A short exemple in the linked definition ( about 4ms to 39ms if the profiler works well).


I know this is a very old post, but wondering if anyone ever found a solution for this? 






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