
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Baking groups (while retaining object properties? - color,layer,etc)

Hi all,


I have a series of groups of curves and text objects that I want to lasercut. Each group has one or more CUT curves (the outline of the shape), one or more SCORE curves (like isocurves), and one or more ETCH curves (text tag labels).


I know how to automatically bake each set of lines to a different layer from Grashopper for easy color changing, but then I need them all to be grouped for rhinonest to optimize their positions.


I cant figure out a way to have grasshopper bake to separate layers or colors while still grouped. I've been trying to get horster to get something going (bake to layer with object names, then referencing object names) but then as soon as I group again and bake the previous properties go away.


Anyone have any ideas?





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Basically what I need to do is be able to bake the current preview color and also group objects. Maybe David can come to my rescue?


What I've done is just right clicked the geometry input of the custom preview. I have three spheres each with a different color. If only there was a "by swatch" option for color, other than by layer (which they all get baked to) or a specific color (applied to all) which would still allow the objects to be baked in a group.




This would mean an incredible increase in efficiency for producing (and nesting by group!) laser cut files with cuts, scores, and etches (the sphere example doesn't really have anything to do with that, but that's what I'm getting at).




Hi Brian,

thanks for your private message.

This version of bake attributes supports groups, at least the way they work today.
Possibly Grasshopper groups will be able to deal with this independently,

I hope this helps for now,

- Giulio
McNeel Europe


Hey Giulio,

thanks for the reply! I had been messing with that component earlier in the day, and it was looking very promising, but when the objects are baked to Rhino they do not remain grouped (which is what I'm after at the moment).


Or maybe I'm missing something?


Thanks again for the help.

-Brian Harms

I see. I thought you wanted groups because of the way they behave with iterations.
Here groups are retained also in the Rhino document.

I hope this helps,

- Giulio
McNeel Europe


Hi again,

thanks again giulio, unfortunately I need to be able to group multiple colors together. I put a couple screenshots together that will hopefully make ckear exactly what I'm trying to do.

(check screenshots)

Im trying to get multiple baked groups each containing multiple colors. 

P.S. in the GH screenshot, the component labeled crvs with applied color is just a placeholder - it doesnt really exist, I'm just hoping it shows what I'm trying to do.


Let me know if you have any questions, and thank you so much for all your hard work.

-Brian Harms

Hi Brian,

please upload your definition next time :)

If I copied your definition correctly, that graph does not work because the datatree is constructed with geometry and objects together and they get mixed (see above).

I hope now I understand what you would like to do. Here is how I can think I would approach it.

What you are trying to do really does not have much to do with Grasshopper groups, as they are made of pure geometry and geometry does not retain colors. I hope this will change one day. So I added a toggle "GroupListsTogether". Whenever you have a list of geometry coming in and that toggle is set to true, the list takes over and objects are put together. You can still specify colors per object.

I hope this helps,

- Giulio
McNeel Europe


Giulio, that's exactly it! Thank you so much for your time. 

The definition I posted before wasn't a functioning one, it was just for visual explanation. The Crv with applied color component was just a data parameter or something like that, just a placeholder for how I thought one could go about it. 


But your solution is far more elegant (it actually works!)


So once again, thanks. I really appreciate it.







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