
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys

I am trying to use attached VB code in GH to show the vertical pipes increasing in diameter over a series of small iterations so that people can see its diameter growing in time. I wrote a while loop with a time delay so that it would output variable A in .1 increments modifying the pipe diameter through time.


Problem: My computer is not showing the in between stages of diameter incremental increases, only the beginning and final diameters. I cant imagine my computer is too slow to process that little loop and update the graphics, there must be something wrong with the code??? What am I missing?

Thanks for the insight!


Views: 1217


Replies to This Discussion

Hi McK,


Grasshopper is not an animation package so if you want to show a process which happens within a single solution, you're going to have to do a lot of hacking. You will also run into problems for if you refresh the viewports during a Grasshopper solution a lot of the preview geometry will be missing.


I'll take a look at your files, see if I can come up with something.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Well, if I can't easily do it in GH then could I have GH read inputs form a file that updates/increments values every couple seconds? That file could just be a VB prog that sends GH updated numbers. It seems like I should be able to do that with out having to outsource though---weird.


Thank you.


Have there in the meantime been any updates on animation capabilities? I would like to do something similar. For example create a grid of elements but put a small delay between the creation of each element, so you visually see the process like a short animation. It would make it more interesting to interact with sliders for a non-coder if the output gets animated, it could start to show a kind of story.

For the question above, it's possible to send data from Processing and have these as inputs to dynamically update the GH geometry.






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