
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have a problem with curve intersection points.


I have a trimmed surface (brep), that has been disected with horizontal and vertical curves. Without the hole, I had no problems, but now it seems increasingly difficult to keep my data in order. My goal is a tree structure, where all the points on the vertical lines are in their own branches.


It starts like that, I have two sets of lines, with vertical "clipped" lines still neatly in their own braches, but then the curve-curve intersection kind of messes everything up. I did my best to organize the data back to understandable form using Path Mapper, but this method divides the clipped lines into their individual branches.


So my question is:

How could I get this point data organized in a way, that there would be 17 branches, holdind either 58 or 33 points, depending on the line? 

In other words:

Can the consecutive 'N=23' and 'N=10' branches be combined somehow?


Thank you.

Views: 1732


Replies to This Discussion

Instead of using {A;B;C} --> {C} use {B} as your target Branch. Alternatively use [Shift Paths] located next to Path Mapper in the Ribbon. This has the added advantage that the <null> data remains on its own branch.


taknsk for your reply, but unforunately {B} does not work on this case, as for me it divides the points in two sets of 586 and 300 points. {C} returns the points in a vertical order, but in the trimmed part of the surface, it takes the next consecutive points, thus effectively messing up the order, like in this picture. This is a small part of a BIGGER definition, but this is a small, yet crippling part of it.

I tried to solve this every which way I knew how (hours of trial and error not shown in these images), but actually I got it finally working while writing this reply. I tackled the problem by trying somehow to rearrange and sort the points in the brach. The answer was so simple as flattening the OTHER lines. Now it gave me a tree structure better suited for the vertical direction.. So problem solved, thank you for your help though.

In Finland we have this saying "perse edellä puuhun", roughly translated "climb up a tree, with your ass first" (i.e. climbing backwards). Meaning you can do things the hard way, if you really insist. Thus demonstrated.






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