
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys,


I plugged a grafted list of values into the fitness input of Galapagos (please see below) and would like to reach 40 for each of the values.

Although Galapagos is running fine, I don't think it is considering the multiple values in the list, it might be flattening the whole list...? Is there a way of making it work for all the values ?


Many thanks,




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if you want that those values to be 40, then make a substraction between 40 and that list you have (flatten first). Then use the mass addition on the substraction result and set galapagos to "Minimize".


When all those value reach 40, then the substraction will be zero for all values and the mass addition will be zero (galapalos will try to get that).




When you feed multiple values into Galapagos, it will average them first, then minimize/maximize/optimize the average. You won't be able to make all values be 40 this way, as {40,40,40,40} would be equally fit as {30,50,25,55}.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks a lot David and Manuel,


Will Galapagos average the values for both a flattened or a Grafted list?


The way I solved this for now is counting the number of items which are more or less equal to 40 through dispatch and list length (below) and maximize the Galapagos result.




All supplied values will be averaged. Galapagos can only operate on a single number, so it has to either ignore values or take them all into account.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks David, finding a function to introduce several Fitnesses is fascinating...

yo can use booleans as number (false=0, true=1), then use a mass addition and set it as fitness (if you want the true values then set galapagos to maximize)


Thanks Manuel, that's very good, runs much faster.


I mass add the difference and then solve for the minimum.

The latest version of Galapagos can actually handle multiple fitness values. It will simply compute the average of all supplied values. This is not exactly the same as mass-addition, but the difference is only important when the number of values changes between genomes.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia





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