
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

i want to use grasshopper to transform (move, rotate) rhino-text (not rhino text-objects).
is this possible? i could not find any component that allows me to use the rhino-text as input.

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Hi Roberto,

You can neither import text objects (or any dimensions for that matter), nor can you modify objects in the Rhino document. I think Grasshopper is not a good solution for this particular problem.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
i see...thanks for the quick reply
Depending on the text you work with, and want to manipulate, a good solution would be create the text inside GH and manipulate it from there.

There's several ways for playing with text in GH, from importing .txt files to string operations, node information, tag and tag3d...

If its a novel won't work, but if it's design related data you might find a way
Hi Roberto,

If you want to write text in GH and bake either curves or surfaces than try Giulio's GH txtLines component (which might need updating for the latest version). But this basically is a component that takes a string from a panel as input and will output curves based on the font of your choice, which you can then manipulate and bake.

Best regards
hi pep and danny,
think i did not make clear what i am trying to do:
i do not want to create or modify text.
i want to move and rotate a text object that was created in rhino (similar to a dimension object) just like you would move or rotate geometry.
my problem is that i cant import the text object to grasshopper...
I understood you right. And David words are like God's (no offense David). No way to do that. But if you are talking about dimensions, point positions, names, etc... I'm sure you can find a way to generate that data into GH to be able to manipulate it.

Hope it was clear enough, if the text you want is impossible to generate in GH (calling a .txt or .csv file, measuring your design from GH, displaying point information from GH, etc...) then Gh is not the tool you are looking for.
thanks for the explanation and sorry for the misunderstanding.
the text objects are not geometry-related but a series of labels converted from annotation dots during unrolling.
so i guess GH is not the tool of choice in this case.
Hey David,

Were you planning or is it at all possible making a dimension components? Grasshopper then could be even more efficient in the industry making making parametric drawings.
Hi Stan,

yeah, we'll have Dimension objects at some point. It's not exactly near the top of the list though.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
oops found your answer in another thread... is it me or the search function of this forum aint too great






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