
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi david

downloaded the newRhino SDK 5.0 SDK WIP 2009-12-15
after reading through the commands i recognized some new commands
is it in any way possible to get access to the new exposed commands?
thanks for your reply

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Replies to This Discussion

Which function are you trying to use? I think if you run Grasshopper in Rhino5, it automatically loads that SDK. Otherwise Grasshopper wouldn't be able to run inside that version of Rhino.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
per example

in the on mesh class

I can't find this method in the OnMesh class in the latest Rhino5 WIP at all. Where did you find this method? It's possible I'm just missing it.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
hi david

below print screen from the sdk

This is the C++ helpfile, are you certain that particular method has been wrapped for the DotNET SDK as well? If the method exists but it won't autocomplete inside the editor, then you should still be able to write it and get your script to compile. If that's the case, there is a bug in my code. If you cannot compile the script when you're using this method, the function hasn't been wrapped is is not available in the .NET SDK at all.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
maybe this helps.

This is something I wrote to find neighbouring mesh vertices for any given vertex, and its based on the previous SDK. The method called 'getvertexedges' kind of sounds like what this does. If you are in need and cant get the SDK function to work, you can use the GH definition at the end of that thread.






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