
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am new to grasshopper and I am having a difficult time with my first project.Basically my project is about lighting and skylights and assigning different skylight sizes to buildings depending on their program.  I have an arbitrary site and randomly assigned 4 different programs to each building. I have managed to extract each program type but I can not seem to figure out how to make a skylight and have a an opening on the roof. I have figured out how to select the roof of the building but do not know how to show that there is a skylight there. An opening has to be present on the roof but I do not know how to go about doing this. If someone could please help me with this problem I would appreciate. 


THANK YOU!!! =) 

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Something like this maybe?



yes, i think so.. the buildings are all rectilinear but it should not matter right? 


Thank you for you help =)


do you know how you choose the size of the opening?

Maybe something like this.



Hi, Do you know how I can assign this to another set of breps? becuase I have been trying to figure it out and I can not figure out which components needs to connect to the brep?

Hi Melissa,


Here is another way to create skylights, slighty different to Chris workflow but with the same result. You will find there are many to create the same output.



Can you post up what currently have so i can better understand what your doing as theres a few ways your task can be done




Thank you so much for the help the two of you have provided !! I so Grateful


here are some of screen shots of what i have so far

This image is of the program assignation:

here is how i got there :

this is how i was able to select the roof


Again thanks you so much for all the help and i would appreciate any further

Hi  Melissa,


Thanks for posting up developments of your project, I had a little look at how to simplfy your work flow so i could be done on all buildings at once and came up with this. Its a bit more of a re-write than an slight edit of your code posted...sorry, though hopefully it will help. On your code you posted you can use Cull Pattern in place of Dispatch is you only want the true or the false. To switch between Tor F are culled on the Cull Pattern Component use Invert in the Boolean Menu.



Heres the code file too:


Thank you  Matt for your help I really appreciate it!!!




When i connect the code to my breps some of the connection lines in grasshopper become dashed... does that indicate and error of some sort?



Orange wires indicate errors.

Single Lines represent Single items on a Single Branch

Double Lines represent Multiple items on a Single Branch 

Double Dashed lines indicate Multiple/Single items on Multiple Branches.


You have the Fancy Wires option enabled (which is a good thing) you can change this from the view menu. 

Thank you, I guess that indicates everything is working fine






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