
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

how to split a data list into several sublists?


is it possible to cut/split an input data list into sublists? I know there are components called split list and sublist, but they i believe only reduce input lists down to the according splitting or interval list item. I need to somehow split an input list into evenly split sublists and feed them to a single int-curve component.
Is there a sleek way of doing this, i mean without having to pull a separate int curve component for every single sublist?

I have tried and experimented this for about three days now and can't figure out how to do it:( - it drives me nuts.

Thanks massively for help :)


Views: 11332

Replies to This Discussion

Is this what you are trying to do?


i don't know, i can't identify what is pictured above. Could you maybe upload a bigger screenshot to see the details better, please?

Thanks :)

this one should work.
ok, thanks for your definition to split a list :).

What i'm actually trying to assemble is something that can split and sort an input-list such that the interpolation curve runs
across the surface connecting only the verticies of identical indices and not crosswise like from 1 to 2 or 2 to 3 etc..

And i looking for a sleek and simple method to accomplish this.

The definition that you postet looks quite smart but still too complex.

So i'm still experimenting with the intcrv-component.

you need to create a branch for every set point (indices):
use the graft component in the three data outputs, then connect the three graft component to the intcrv component (use shift key to connect multiples wires).

you dont need the weave or cull component.

Use the param viewer to see whats going on with the tree structure...
Hey Manuel,

sorry i haven't replied yet, but i haven't had the time to try it out.

But i'm hopeful it'll work and i'll return when i tried it.

But thanks for now.


Hey Manuel,

sorry i haven't replied yet, but i haven't had the time to try it out.

But i'm hopeful it'll work and i'll return when i tried it.

But thanks for now.







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